Saturday, August 4

Life lately.

Life has been so hectic and stressful lately. The wedding is 6 weeks away and I still have so much to do it's insane! But aside from the stressfulness of it all, I am unbelievably  happy. Patrick and I had a date night, where we just sat at home and watched 21 Jump Street while eating the most amazing doughnuts around and laughed. I needed it and it feels good that we can do the simplest things together and still have a good time. Sorry I haven't done an outfit post in awhile, I feel like my inspiration for outfits is running a low. I promise I will try harder at getting some done though!

I hope ya'll have a week filled with sunshine and happiness.

xoxoxo Ariel

Thursday, July 26

Things I love Thursdays.

I really love this. :)

Kitty decorated donuts, what else can I say!

Hahahaha...this pretty much explains itself.

I love the Golden Girls, I honestly think I've seen every episode.
This tattoo is amazing.

Anything ya'll have been fancying lately?
Have a good day dolls!


Wednesday, July 25

Wedding Ideas Thus Far

Patrick and I decided a candy/dessert bar was a must.
Aren't they presh?!

I can't even begin to tell ya'll how in love I am with using Mason Jars for everything!

I saw this idea on Pinterest last week, and immediately went on the hunt
for just the right jar to do this adorable idea with. I found that jar today, and it was on sale!

And finally, this is our wedding invitation! I love them soooo much. :)
We ordered them off Etsy and seriously, there's a reason I love Etsy so much,
the women we ordered the cards from was so helpful and we exchanged
at least 7 emails back and forth before I ordered. Talk about customer service!

I hope ya'll liked the sneak peek of what's been going on in the planning
stages so far.
What do you guys think?
What would you do/did do to make your magical day happen?

Happy Thursday!!

Monday, July 23

Mumford & Sons

For the past two years I have had a major obsession with the band
Mumford and Sons.
I can not express you to enough how beautiful their music, lyrics, and just the essence of them is. I generally like a band, buy their album, then have that one or two songs I skip past because they just don't flow. Not with this band. I could listen to their entire album on repeat all day, everyday if Patrick and January would let me. ;)

This is currently my go to song when I'm feeling down.
What do you think? Any bands you love to no end?

Happy Monday ya'll!


Saturday, July 21

A little love story.

**Warning: This post is going to be quite sappy. Hope you can bare with me :)

Okay ya'll..I found it! I found the dress I want to marry the love of my life in...and it was in the first shop we went too and only took me like an hour to decide. That's pretty good right?
I can't even believe...everything that's going on..I'm still in shock that I'm actually getting married. I honestly thought I would never get married, at the age of ten I had decided that marriage wasn't for me. It's strange how one person can affect your thoughts and feelings soo much isn't it? When Patrick and I first got together I didn't think we'd last. I had the mind set, it'll be fun while it lasts and kind of went with the flow of things. But then I fell...hard for this kid with unbelievably gorgeous blond curly hair. Patrick and I met online, through yahoo messenger actually, and we had been dating for a few months when he came to Georgia to meet/visit me. It was so scary and interesting meeting someone you'd never seen but had only connect through the sound of their voice before in real life. My older sister Gretchen went with me for safety of course and we had a blast talking about how this mystery man would turn out. When Patrick first got off the plane I saw him and immediately turned around, I was soo nervous!! He ended up staying with my family and I for over a month then ended up going back to Maine from the lack of funds. I moved to Maine two days after I graduated from high school. (The things you do for love huh?) The first year in Maine was hell. I had no friends and no self esteem. But like all things you get past those things to even greater things later. I honestly believe moving to Maine helped me develop who I am as a person. People from Maine always say, "People move to Maine thinking they can change it, but people don't change Maine, Maine changes people." I'm glad I moved to Maine, I've been so blessed within my endeavours, and I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am for everything my life has given me thus far. I can't wait for all the new adventures life has en store for my little family and me. Thanks for sticking with me this far guys, I hope it wasn't too boring. ;)


Friday, July 13

Luna Lovegood

Everyone, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our family,

Why yes, we did name her Luna for my absolute love of all things Harry Potter. ;)
Ridiculous right?

We adopted her today, at 3:30pm from our local humane society. She's a American Bulldog mix and has the most beautiful marble like fur. Aw so presh! I think she is a perfect addition to our little family! She's so mellow and sweet and wags her little tail anytime January gets near her, best friends in the making right there. :)

Happy Friday everyone!


Sunday, July 8

Go fly a kite.

We flew a kite today. It was pure bliss. :)

Happy Sunday!


Thursday, July 5

Things I love Thursdays

This cow. I laughed for like five minutes when I first read this. haha

Bruce from Matilda. I can't even tell you how many times I've watched that movie and am still in love.

Ferris Wheels. I mean, what's not to love. ;)

I really need to remember this, I get way to0 caught up in the numbers. :/

Other things I'm loving: the feeling I get after I go for a run, watching the show Drop Dead Diva (if you haven't watched it, I insist that you do, seriously a great show!), White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cliff bars..yumm!

Anything ya'll have been crushing on lately?


Wednesday, July 4

Happy Birthday America!!

I must say that I absolutely love the Fourth of July! We had a fun filled day of going to the small town fair they throw every year and stuffing our faces with wayy to many sweets.
I wore wedges for the first time today and my dress was a wee bit too short but oh wells, ya live and you learn right? I love my wedges, I have literally always been such a chicken about them, but I was soo wrong about them! I might becoming a wedge-aholic. ahaha

January's first firework experience was tonight, and she was giggling the whole time! It was just so precious and she kept yelling, "Happy Birthday Captain America!!", haha She has this superhero phase that she's going through.

She had to take a picture sitting on her car! I mean doesn't evvveerryybbooddy? ;)
I hope ya'll had a wonderful Fourth doing amazing things!!
Psst. Sorry for such blurry pictures I'm not sure why they keep posting like this, grrr.